Hi All!
We survived our first full week of school even with the hot, sticky weather. So many great things have been happening in our classroom.
Math- We have reviewed place value and have worked on rounding numbers through the hundred thousands. Next week we will review estimation strategies and then move to mulitdigit addition and subtraction. We will also start our math skills time.
Students logged into their Dreambox and Xtra-math accounts this week. They have login names and pin numbers for both of these. We are working to complete password cards in their google drive so they will have access to their passwords both at school and at home.
Writing- Students created their own heart maps in their writer's notebooks to represent people, places, and things that are special to them. We have practiced building our writing stamina by choosing topics from our heart maps and free writing about those topics. Next week we will start to personalize our writer's notebooks and jump into our narrative writing unit. If you could send your child to school with a few pictures for their writer's notebooks by next Thursday, that would be helpful! Please make sure they can cut and glue these pictures.
Reading- Over the last few weeks, we have been working to establish our reader's workshop expectations and routines. Students have practiced choosing just right spaces to work, just right books, and have practiced building their reading stamina. Next week, we will start to discuss literary elements.
Mystery Skype- Earlier in the week we had the chance to practice a mystery skype with our 5th grade Tech Kid friends. We each picked a state (which ended up being the same! ) and had to ask each other “narrowing” questions until we were able to make a guess about which state it could be. Next week we will start to mystery skype with other classes around the United States!
Genius Hour- Lighthouse 4th grade started our Friday Genius Hour time with a spaghetti tower design challenge. Last week students got into groups of 3 and had to build the tallest freestanding tower out of spaghetti that could support a marshmallow in only 18 minutes. This week, students had a chance to plan, sketch and then build their towers. We had WAY more success this week and discussed the importance of trial and error, sharing ideas, and planning.
Book Orders- Please check out the book order tab above if you are interested in placing an order. Book orders are due this Friday, September 22nd. There are directions to follow on the page! Please email with any questions.
Open House- Please join us for open house at MBS next Thursday, September 21st from 6:30-7:30.
Please don’t hesitate to email or call with any questions. Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Carney
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