Friday, March 15, 2019

March News

Carney’s Crew Class News and Updates  
March 15, 2018  

Dear Families,

Spring is in the air!  It was so nice to get outside this week and enjoy the warmer weather.  Along with the warmer weather comes lots of water and mud! Please remember to send your child to school with boots and extra socks.  It’s also not a bad idea to have a change of clothes, as we have had many puddle accidents this week.

Here are some updates from the classroom:

In math we have been learning about line plots, lines of symmetry, angles, and mutlistep number stories. Next week we will review all of these skills and then take the second half of our unit 5 math test.  Unit 6 will focus on division and angles.

In reading and writing, we have been working on our passion projects.  Students have all narrowed down a topic and have worked so hard on researching their topics using books and the internet.  We have learned how to ensure a source is credible, take quality notes, and organize our notes into subtopics. Next week we will draft and type our writing, along with editing and revising.  The goal is to start our projects by the end of next week. Students may work on their projects at home if you would like, but will also be given time in school. Trifolds will be available at school if students would like one. Please let me know if you have any questions about our passion projects.

We are planning to invite families in to view our passion projects on the morning of March 29th.  We are still narrowing down a specific time, and I will send an email early next week with final details.

We have started our land and water unit and are beginning to explore how land and water interact.  We looked at soil components and compared the properties of sand, humus, gravel and clay. Next week we will use sugar cubes, graham crackers, and water droplets to help us understand the concepts of erosion.

Upcoming Dates:

Inservice Day- There will be no school for students on Friday, March 22nd due to teacher inservice.

Random Acts of Kindness Week- The week of March 18-21st.  There was a blue sheet that went home today in Friday folders with more details for each day.

Passion Project celebration- The morning of March 29th.  Specific time to follow early next week!

SBAC- Save the date! We will be taking the math and reading SBAC assessments the week of May 6-10th.

Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Carney
