Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Movie on Friday

Dear Families,

In celebration of meeting our class goal, we will be watching a movie on Friday, December 22nd.  The class voted to watch either Home Alone or Elf.

Please let me know if you are opposed to your child seeing either of these two movies.   

Thank you,

Mrs. Carney

Monday, November 27, 2017

Finally Starting our Blogs!

Check out the video for an introduction to blogging!  This week, we will be choosing our blog themes, creating our All About Me pages, and creating our avatars.  Students will also learn about blogging etiquette and the difference between a page and a post.  Next week we will learn to comment.  Be sure to check out the Student Blogging Challenge website to learn more about our blogging journey!  

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Fun with 3D Pens

Hi All!

I hope you are enjoying your weekend!  I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and Tuesday for conferences.  Check out some of the fun we were having with 3D Pens during Genius Hour on Friday afternoon!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Hi All!

Just a reminder that parent/teacher conferences are next Monday and Tuesday, November 20th and 21st.  If you would like to sign up for a conference, please visit the MBS homepage and click on the link!

Parent input forms for conferences went home last week in Friday folders.  Please send them back to school by this Friday, November 17th. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

-Mrs. Carney

Friday, November 10, 2017

It's Friday!

Dear Families,

Happy Friday!  Burrr….the cold weather is here!  Please remember to send your child to school with jackets, pants, hats, and mittens.  This will help make recess more enjoyable for them.  Here are some things happening in our classroom:

Math- We finished unit 2 and took our assessment this week.  Math tests will be coming home on Monday.  Next week we will begin unit 3 with a focus on fractions and decimals.

Writing- Over the last few days we worked on our On Demand Narrative Assessment for Trimester 1.  Students worked hard to show all that they have learned about narrative writing.  Next week we will choose one of our personal narratives to publish and share with you at conferences.    

Reading- We are still focusing on literary elements, but have focused specifically on identifying theme. We also started a new read aloud, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume.  Our literary genre will continue through December.

Science- Our science time was cut short this week with all of the end of trimester assessments, but we did manage to squeeze in an experiment.  We have been learning about Force and Motion concepts and wondered if the weight of our hot wheels car would affect the speed the car would travel.  We collected weights of different cars and then experimented with them.  We will look at our data and draw conclusions from our experiment next week.    

Important Upcoming Dates-

Picture Re-takes- If your child had their school pictures retaken, they should be in next week.

Field Trip- Our field trip to the Flynn Theater will be next Wednesday, November 15th. We will be leaving around 9:00 and returning to school by 11:30.

Book Orders- Online book ordering is always open, please just send me an email when you place your order.  There are directions on how to order on the Book Order page above.  

Conferences- November 20-21st
Please go to the MBS homepage to sign up for a conference if you haven’t already scheduled.  Conference input forms went home today with students.  This will give you an opportunity to share any concerns or questions you might have which will help me make the best use of our time together.  Please take a look at them and send them back to school by next Friday, November 17th.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email or call.  Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Carney  

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Class Goal

We met our class goal and will be celebrating with pjs and a movie tomorrow afternoon after our Red Ribbon Week presentation from Officer Melon.  We will be watching either Dolphin Tale or LEGO Batman, as those were the top two choices.  Please let me know if you have a problem with either of these movies. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Dear Families,

Happy weekend!  I hope you had a chance to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.  Here are some things that are happening in our classroom:

Math- We have started unit 2 in math with a focus on multiplication and geometry.  We have been learning about factors, multiples, and prime and composite numbers.  Unit 1 math tests were suppose to go home Friday, but we left them in mailboxes.  Please keep an eye out for them to come home on Monday.

Writing- Students have been so busy writing personal narratives.  We have discussed the difference between watermelon and seed stories and have been focusing our writing on a small moment.  Students have worked hard to use the “show don’t tell” strategy which includes using the 5 senses to make the reader feel like they are there experiencing the moment.  We have also learned about adding dialogue and speaker tags to our writing.  Next week we will practice hooks/leads and strong endings.  

Reading- We have been discussing literary elements with a focus on characters, character traits, setting, plot, problem and solution.  We also finished our read aloud, Frindle. Next week we will learn about theme, and then go back and examine our characters a little deeper.  

Genius Hour- We spent a few genius hour blocks learning about online coding using the programs, Scratch and Hour of Code.  Students loved the opportunity to write their own codes and create games.  

Friday, we started making our monster bots!  Students had to use a battery, a motor, and two wires to make a circuit.  Once they were able to connect their circuit and make their motor work, they had to draw and label their circuit in their genius hour notebook.  They also had to draw and label their decorating plan for their monsterbot and include a list of materials.  We will continue with our monster bots this week.     

Picture Re-takes- Picture re-takes will be October 24th

Monster Mash- The MBS Monster Mash will be Friday, October 27th.  Please check out the MBS homepage for more details.

Field Trip- Our field trip to the Flynn Theater will be November 15th.  Permission slips are due by the end of this week. Extra copies went home Friday for those students who needed one.  

Book Orders- Online book ordering is always open, please just send me an email when you place your order.  There are directions on how to order on the Book Order page above.  Please email with any questions.  

Please don’t hesitate to email or call with any questions.  Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Carney  

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Class Goal

We met our class goal today by filling our fish bowl to the top with tokens!  Everyone has worked so hard to be safe, respectful, and responsible both inside and outside the classroom to help earn tokens.  Yesterday, the class earned 25 tokens in PE!  Mrs. Eastman gave us a HUGE compliment on how cooperative and respectful everyone was.

We will be celebrating tomorrow with electronic day.  Your child may bring in an electronic from home to use for the last part of our day.  If you do not want your child to bring in a device from home, we will have chromebooks available in the classroom to use.  Please remind your child that the games and/or music from their personal devices need to be school appropriate.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Weekly Updates

Hi All!

We survived our first full week of school even with the hot, sticky weather.  So many great things have been happening in our classroom.

Math- We have reviewed place value and have worked on rounding numbers through the hundred thousands.  Next week we will review estimation strategies and then move to mulitdigit addition and subtraction.  We will also start our math skills time.

Students logged into their Dreambox and Xtra-math accounts this week. They have login names and pin numbers for both of these.  We are working to complete password cards in their google drive so they will have access to their passwords both at school and at home.  

Writing- Students created their own heart maps in their writer's notebooks to represent people, places, and things that are special to them. We have practiced building our writing stamina by choosing topics from our heart maps and free writing about those topics.  Next week we will start to personalize our writer's notebooks and jump into our narrative writing unit.  If you could send your child to school with a few pictures for their writer's notebooks by next Thursday, that would be helpful!  Please make sure they can cut and glue these pictures.

Reading- Over the last few weeks, we have been working to establish our reader's workshop expectations and routines.  Students have practiced choosing just right spaces to work, just right books, and have practiced building their reading stamina. Next week, we will start to discuss literary elements.

Mystery Skype- Earlier in the week we had the chance to practice a mystery skype with our 5th grade Tech Kid friends.  We each picked a state (which ended up being the same! ) and had to ask each other “narrowing” questions until we were able to make a guess about which state it could be.  Next week we will start to mystery skype with other classes around the United States!

Genius Hour- Lighthouse 4th grade started our Friday Genius Hour time with a spaghetti tower design challenge.  Last week students got into groups of 3 and had to build the tallest freestanding tower out of spaghetti that could support a marshmallow in only 18 minutes.  This week, students had a chance to plan, sketch and then build their towers.  We had WAY more success this week and discussed the importance of trial and error, sharing ideas, and planning.  

Book Orders- Please check out the book order tab above if you are interested in placing an order.  Book orders are due this Friday, September 22nd. There are directions to follow on the page!  Please email with any questions.   

Open House- Please join us for open house at MBS next Thursday, September 21st from 6:30-7:30.
Please don’t hesitate to email or call with any questions.  Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Carney  

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Friday, September 1, 2017

Carney’s Crew Class News and Updates  

Hi Everyone!

It has been so great getting to know your children these last few days.  We have a fabulous class this year and have so many fun things to look forward to!  

This week, we have played several “get to know you” games and have learned about what makes each of us special and unique.  We have reviewed school rules and are working on a booklet of ways that we can be safe, respectful and responsible around the school.  Yesterday, we learned about our brains and how mistakes actually help our brains grow! It has been a little bit of a zig zag schedule this week with assemblies and getting to know one another.  Next week, we will start to follow our normal schedule a little more.  

Please be sure to subscribe to our class blog on the right side of this page! Use the tabs above to see our daily schedule, unified arts schedule and other helpful information.  Be sure to check the blog often to stay up to date with things happening in our classroom.

Upcoming Dates-
School Picture Day- September 14th
Open House- September 21st, 6:30-7:30pm
District Wide Early Release Day- September 27th, 12:45pm

Please feel free to contact me anytime by email- kari.carney@colchestersd.org and/or school phone- 264-6909.

Enjoy the long weekend!  

Mrs. Carney

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Cardboard Carnival Tomorrow

Hi All!

Just a reminder that our Cardboard Carnival will be tomorrow afternoon from 1:50-2:50 in the lighthouse 4th grade classrooms.  We would love to see you and show off all of our hard work!

Other reminders and upcoming dates-

Fly Up Day- On Friday, June 9th, students will find out their 5th grade teachers and will get to spend an hour in their new classrooms.

Final Math Assessment- We will have our unit 8 math test next Tuesday, June 6th.

Shelburne Museum- Our Shelburne Museum field trip is on Tuesday, June 13th.  The entire fourth grade will be going.  Permission slips went home on Tuesday of this week and are due next Friday, June 9th.  We need chaperones, so please consider helping out!

Bayside Day- Our Bayside field day will be on Wednesday, June 14th.  Permission slips went home this week and are due back by next Friday, June 9th.

BBQ- Our end of year BBQ will be on Thursday, June 15th at 12:05.  Information on the BBQ went home this week.  There was more information on the paper if you are going to join us and eat!

Last day of school- Friday, June 16th @12:45

Hope to see you tomorrow at the Cardboard Carnival!
-Mrs. Carney

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Hi Everyone!

Happy Spring!  It is so great to be back in the classroom and see everyone.  I can't believe all of the growing that happened while I was out.  I think all of the kids are officially taller than me now!  

This has been a long week for students with all of the SBAC testing.  I am so proud of how hard everyone has worked and the amount of effort everyone has put into their tests.  We have one last part of the SBAC math test to complete tomorrow morning and then we will be finished!  We will resume our normal academic schedule next week.

All 4th graders will be taking the science NECAP test the week of May 15th.  

Please keep an eye out for papers coming home tomorrow, as they will include information about upcoming field trips.

Enjoy the sunshine!
Mrs. Carney

Friday, March 24, 2017

Pajama Day and Disney movie, Growing Up Wild, Today

Dear Families,

We have updated our movie! Today we will be watching the G-Rated Disney movie, Growing Up Wild. (Synopsis Below.) I will be making popcorn and students will enjoy their reward for filling their fish token bucket! Have a great weekend!

Growing Up Wild, G
Life is an adventure - especially for a newborn animal who has so much to learn. "Growing Up Wild" takes audiences to the wildest corners of the planet to tell the tales of five courageous animals as they tackle the very first challenges of their young lives. With a little guidance from sage family members, each must figure out how and where to find food, while learning to recognize the very real threat of danger. From their first steps of exploring their world to their final steps into independence, "Growing Up Wild" reveals the triumphs and setbacks of five young lives in which instinct, parental lessons, and trial & error ultimately define their destinies. Featuring the stunning imagery and iconic storytelling that makes Disneynature's big-screen adventures an inspiring movie-going experience, "Growing Up Wild", brings home a special look at how similar and different these young lives can be.
Written by (C) 2016 Disney Enterprises

Mrs. Alling

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Recorder Concert Reminder

Dear Families,

This is a reminder that our class has our recorder concert tomorrow night (February 22nd) from 7:00-7:30.  Students should arrive at 6:45 (no earlier, as there will be no adult) and come to the classroom with their recorder only.  Jackets should stay with adults. Students will wait outside the classroom and be walked to the gym at 7:00.  When the concert is over, students will meet you in the gym and NOT walk back to the classroom.  Although I was in school today, I will not be at the concert tomorrow night.  Ms. Taylor and Mrs. Alling will be looking after our class before the concert.  

Please email with any questions.  Kari.carney@colchestersd.org

Thank you!
Mrs. Carney  

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Dear Families,

Just a reminder that students will be presenting their passion projects this Friday, February 3rd from 9:00-10:00 in the lighthouse 4th grade classrooms. We would love to have you stop by if you are available.  Everyone has been working so hard to complete their research and projects!  We hope to see you there!

Other Dates and Information-

Book Orders- Book orders went home last week and are also available to see online using the link on our class blog.  Book orders are due Friday, February 3rd.

NAEP Testing- All 4th graders will be taking the NAEP test on Wednesday, February 8th.  More information about the test can be found on the MBS homepage.  

Long-term Substitute- Mrs. Alling had the opportunity to come in and spend the day with us on Monday to get to know the kids and our daily routines.  She will also be with us on Thursday and Friday.  I will be working up until I have the baby and then Mrs. Alling will take over while I am gone.  Please see the welcome letter from Mrs. Alling below.

Conferences-  A reminder that I will be on maternity leave during parent/teacher conferences in March and will be unable to meet with you during this time.  Mrs. Alling will not be running my conferences because she will have only been with the kids for a few weeks and will not have enough information to share. I will be available to meet with you in April when I return from my leave if you would like a check in at that point.  I apologize for any inconvenience.

Early Release Day- Just a reminder so you can plan ahead- February 16th is a district wide early release day.  Students will be dismissed at 12:45.

Please email with any questions.  I hope to see you Friday morning!

Mrs. Carney

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am excited to introduce myself and tell you how much I am looking forward to getting to know all of your 4th graders while Mrs. Carney is on maternity leave.
Since November I have been the long term substitute for Mrs. Marlow's 3rd grade class. My previous teaching experience includes teaching 3rd, 5th and 8th grade in Burlington, Vermont and Miami, Florida. Since 2013, I have been substitute teaching at both Porters Point School and Malletts Bay School. I have a Masters in Elementary Education and I am currently pursuing a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Literacy.
In addition to being a teacher in the Colchester School District, I am also a CSD parent to two boys, in grades 4 and 6 and a daughter in grade 8. When not spending time with my family or teaching, I enjoy photography, healthy cooking, reading and in the summer - biking, boating and gardening.
Please don’t hesitate to email me at rachel.alling@colchestersd.org with any comments or questions. I look forward to learning with your children this Winter and Spring.

Rachel Alling

(aka Mrs. Alling)

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Hi Everyone!

I wanted to update you on what is happening in the classroom and also about my upcoming maternity leave.

Math- We focused on multiplication for unit 4 and learned to use the area model, partial products and traditional algorithms to solve multidigit multiplication problems.  We also worked hard solving multistep word problems and finding the area of rectilinear figures.  Unit 5 will be our last unit of the second trimester and will focus on fraction and mixed number computation and measurement.

Writing- Students chose topics for their passion projects and started brainstorming background knowledge and research questions. We discussed how to find appropriate sources online and how to use our research questions to guide our search for information.  Students checked out informational texts from the library and practiced using the table of contents and index to guide their research.  This week we will start to categorize our notes into 3-4 categories and will begin the first draft of our informational writing pieces.

Reading- We are still focusing on finding main idea/supporting details and summarizing in informational texts.  We have connected much of our learning of informational texts to our passion projects and are using what we know about main idea and supporting details to help guide our note taking and note organizing.  As we begin writing our first drafts this week, students will continue to practice their summarizing skills.

Social Studies- We are learning about the five regions of the United States.  Over the last few weeks we have been discussing the Northeast Region.  We have read about the land, water, products and natural resources of the region.  This week we will learn about the climate and culture of the northeast as well as which biome it falls into.  Next week students will be in small groups and will be researching a different region of the United States and will share out their learning to the class through a google slides presentation.

DARE- We have had two of our four DARE lessons with Officer Mellon.  Students have learned about being good citizens and making smart choices.  We will have our last two lessons this week and next week.

Upcoming News and Announcements-

Passion Project Presentations- On Friday, February 3rd from 9:00-10:00, lighthouse 4th graders will be presenting passion projects in our classrooms.  We would love to have you come in and check out all of our hard work!

NAEP Test- Reminder that all 4th graders will be taking the NAEP test on February 8th.  An information paper on the test went home a few weeks ago.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

Long-term Substitute- Good news....We have found a long-term substitute teacher to cover my maternity leave!  Mrs. Alling will be taking over for me when I go on leave.  She is a licensed teacher and is currently the long-term sub in Mrs. Marlow's 3rd grade classroom.  She has subbed in the building many times before and most of the students already know her.  Over the next few weeks she will be stopping in our classroom for short visits to get to know the kids.  During the week of January 30th, she will be in to shadow me for three days to learn our routines and build relationships with the kids. Mrs. Dousablon is in our classroom everyday and will be a familiar face for the kids while I am gone. I am due on February 12th and plan to work up until I have the baby.

Conferences-  I will be on maternity leave during parent/teacher conferences in March and will be unable to meet with you during this time.  Mrs. Alling will not be running my conferences because she will have only been with the kids for a few weeks and will not have enough information to share.  If you would like to set up mid trimester conference, I have some time available to meet during the week of January 30th before school and after school, unless I have the baby early.   I can also meet with you in April when I return from my leave.  I apologize for any inconvenience.

Early Release Day- Just a reminder so you can plan ahead- February 16th is a district wide early release day.  Students will be dismissed at 12:45.

Please let me know if you have any questions and if you would like to set up a conference the week of January 30th.  kari.carney@colchestersd.org

Have a great rest of your weekend!
Mrs. Carney

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Electronic Day Tomorrow

Just a reminder that we are celebrating meeting our class goal with some electronic time tomorrow afternoon!  Students can bring in a device from home or use a device from school.  If they are bringing in a device from home, they are responsible for keeping track of it and must be using it appropriately.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Mrs. Carney

Wednesday, January 4, 2017
