Monday, February 18, 2019

February News

Carney’s Crew Class News and Updates  
February 18, 2018  

Dear Families,

Happy snowy Monday! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. It’s hard to believe that we are only a week away from February break!

Here are some updates from the classroom:

We are in the middle of unit 5 and are learning about adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators.  We are halfway through unit 5, so we will take the first part of our math test this Friday and then we will take the second part of the math test in early March when we return from break.  Students who will be absent this Friday will take their test on Thursday.

In reading, students are exploring informational texts and are working to identify the topic, main idea and supporting details. We have been using the website for some of our informational texts.  Students have logins for this website and can access from home.  Login information is on their password card in their google drive.  They know how to access all of this!

Students have been working so hard on their informational writing pieces.  We are working to publish our writing today and will have our author’s celebration tomorrow afternoon during our writing time.  Students will share their writing with you at conferences after break. Information about our next big writing project will be coming home in Friday folders!

Our next science and social studies units will be happening simultaneously.  In science, we will be starting our Land and Water unit and in social studies, we will be learning about the regions of the United States.  

Upcoming Dates:

Recorder Concert- Our 4th grade recorder concert is TOMORROW, February 19th from 7:00-7:30. Students should come down to the classroom at 6:45, no earlier.  They should bring ONLY their recorders with them. I will walk them down to the concert and then they will meet their adult after the concert.  Students will NOT be coming back to the classroom after the concert.

Conferences - Trimester 2 conferences will be on Monday and Tuesday March 4th and 5th. Mrs. Burke sent out information about conference sign ups in her newsletter last Friday.  Please email me with any conference related questions.

MBS Yearbook- Yearbooks are available to order until Feb. 22nd using the following link-

February Break- There will be no school for students from February 25th-March 5th. School will start up again on Wednesday, March 6th.

Passion Projects- Please look in Friday folders for a yellow piece of paper explaining our upcoming passion projects.

Inservice Day- Save the date! There will be no school for students on Friday, March 22nd due to teacher inservice.

Have a great rest of your week and a restful vacation. See you all in March!

Mrs. Carney
