Sunday, January 27, 2019

January Updates

Dear Families,

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. It’s nice to see temperatures finally above zero! Thank you for remembering to send all winter gear to school each day, it is much appreciated!

Here are some updates from the classroom:

We took our unit 4 math test on Friday and tests will be coming home sometime this week. Unit 5 will focus on fraction and mixed number computation and measurement.  We will continue to work on multiplication facts and computation throughout this unit as well. Any additional practice with multiplication at home will benefit your child, especially with division fast approaching.

In reading we have wrapped up our mythology unit and have started focusing on nonfiction.  Students have been working hard to identify text features and explain how they help when reading an informational text.  Ask your child to name a few text features for you. This week we will start learning how to identify the main idea and supporting details of a nonfiction article or text. We will also learn about the difference between main idea and topic.   

We started our informational writing unit and students created expert lists in their writer’s notebooks. Students brainstormed topics that they know and care a lot about and then selected one topic to begin writing about. We are currently in the process of drafting our first informational writing piece based on the topic from their expert lists.  Students have brainstormed subtopics and listed facts, details and examples for each. We are working on using the “hamburger” structure to organize our paragraphs for each subtopic. Ask your child to explain the hamburger to you! Stay tuned for information coming home soon about our Passion Projects!

In social studies, we have started our Vermont Land and Economy unit and are learning about the physiographic regions of Vermont.  Students are working on identifying similarities and differences in both the land and products in each of the regions. We will switch to our Land and Water science unit sometime in the beginning of February.

Upcoming Dates:

Valentine’s Day- We will do a valentines exchange on February 14th.  I will send home a list of student names this week. Please remember, there needs to be a valentine for every child.  We will not have a big party, but if you would like to send in a small treat, please email and let me know!

MBS Yearbook- Yearbooks are available to order until Feb. 22nd using the following link-

Early release day- Students will be dismissed at 12:45 on February 6th.

SBAC interim assessments- Over the next few weeks, students will take a math and reading SBAC interim assessment. This is a much shorter version than the SBAC testing that we will do in May.

Recorder Concert February 19th- I will follow up with the exact time and details of the concert after I get more details from Mr. Mast, but I wanted to give you a save the date for your calendar!

Your kids are working so hard both academically and socially each day! It is amazing to see how much they have grown since the beginning of the year. I am so lucky to be their teacher!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Carney

Friday, January 4, 2019

Fort Day

Students had a blast during our fort day this afternoon! Check out the pictures!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Fort Day Tomorrow!

Hi Everyone!

Happy New Year! 

We filled our fish bowl and will be celebrating tomorrow with forts, stuffed animals and a read-a-thon!  Students can bring in sheets and/or blankets to help make their forts.  They may also bring in a small stuffed animal and an electronic  device for reading (or just a good old fashion book!). There are plenty of books in the classroom and students will also have access to chromebooks for other online reading options.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great night!

Mrs. Carney 
