Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Class Goal

We met our class goal and will be celebrating with pjs and a movie tomorrow afternoon after our Red Ribbon Week presentation from Officer Melon.  We will be watching either Dolphin Tale or LEGO Batman, as those were the top two choices.  Please let me know if you have a problem with either of these movies. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Dear Families,

Happy weekend!  I hope you had a chance to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.  Here are some things that are happening in our classroom:

Math- We have started unit 2 in math with a focus on multiplication and geometry.  We have been learning about factors, multiples, and prime and composite numbers.  Unit 1 math tests were suppose to go home Friday, but we left them in mailboxes.  Please keep an eye out for them to come home on Monday.

Writing- Students have been so busy writing personal narratives.  We have discussed the difference between watermelon and seed stories and have been focusing our writing on a small moment.  Students have worked hard to use the “show don’t tell” strategy which includes using the 5 senses to make the reader feel like they are there experiencing the moment.  We have also learned about adding dialogue and speaker tags to our writing.  Next week we will practice hooks/leads and strong endings.  

Reading- We have been discussing literary elements with a focus on characters, character traits, setting, plot, problem and solution.  We also finished our read aloud, Frindle. Next week we will learn about theme, and then go back and examine our characters a little deeper.  

Genius Hour- We spent a few genius hour blocks learning about online coding using the programs, Scratch and Hour of Code.  Students loved the opportunity to write their own codes and create games.  

Friday, we started making our monster bots!  Students had to use a battery, a motor, and two wires to make a circuit.  Once they were able to connect their circuit and make their motor work, they had to draw and label their circuit in their genius hour notebook.  They also had to draw and label their decorating plan for their monsterbot and include a list of materials.  We will continue with our monster bots this week.     

Picture Re-takes- Picture re-takes will be October 24th

Monster Mash- The MBS Monster Mash will be Friday, October 27th.  Please check out the MBS homepage for more details.

Field Trip- Our field trip to the Flynn Theater will be November 15th.  Permission slips are due by the end of this week. Extra copies went home Friday for those students who needed one.  

Book Orders- Online book ordering is always open, please just send me an email when you place your order.  There are directions on how to order on the Book Order page above.  Please email with any questions.  

Please don’t hesitate to email or call with any questions.  Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Carney  
