Monday, December 19, 2016


 Snowflake, Winter, Cold, Icy, ...

Hi All!

We have been very busy these last few weeks.  Here are some things happening in the classroom:

Math- We are finishing unit 3 and have been focusing heavily on fractions.  Students have learned to find equivalent fractions, order and compare fractions, and place fractions on a number line.  We have also discussed the relationship between fractions and decimals and have learned about tenths and hundredths.  We reviewed today and will continue reviewing tomorrow and will have our math test on Wednesday.  Students will bring home their review sheets tomorrow.  After vacation, we will start unit 4 which focuses on multidigit multiplication.

Writing- We started our informational writing unit by brainstorming a list of topics that we felt we were experts on.  From there students thought about subtopics for each of their bigger topics.  We have worked on organizing our facts into paragraphs with headings and have practice stretching our sentences to make them more complex.  We also have worked on writing introductions, conclusions, and adding text features to our writing.  We will continue with informational writing after vacation, but will learn how to research a topic and use our research in our writing.

Reading- We started our unit by identifying characteristics of nonfiction text and then learned about text features and how they help us read and understand informational text. We also have practiced finding the main idea and supporting details.  After vacation we will work on summarizing and text structures- compare/contrast, sequential, description, cause/effect, and problem/solution.  

Social Studies- We are finished with our Vermont history unit and students will be bringing home a coloring book that they made to show some of our state's history.  We will continue learning about Vermont in the spring in our land and economy unit.  After vacation we will be starting our unit on regions of the United States.

Important Dates and Information-

Winter Break- Students have no school from December 23rd -January 2nd.  Students come back to school on Tuesday, January 3rd.

Homework/Spelling this week- Students do not have any spelling or homework this week.  Students are however, encouraged to read each night!

School Celebration- As a school, we filled Oscar to the top and earned a school wide celebration!  Thursday will be PJ/comfy clothes and movie day.  After lunch students will choose to watch one of three movies- Monsters Inc., Brave, or Despicable Me.  There will be movie theater popcorn being served as well.  More information went home today in the MBS Buzz.

Stay warm!
Mrs. Carney

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Greek Plays Today!

Hi All!

Just a reminder that the Lighthouse 4th graders will be performing our Greek Mythology plays this afternoon in the cafeteria from 1:45-2:45!  Feel free to join us or check our blog for a recording of the play later this afternoon!

Monday, November 14, 2016

This Week

Happy Monday!

I hope you all enjoyed the warm weather and sunshine over the weekend.  It looks like we will have another nice day today as well : )

The fourth grade has been studying Greek Mythology during reading and will be performing short 15 minute plays this week.  The lighthouse 4th graders will be performing in the cafeteria on Thursday, November 17th from 1:45-2:45.  You are welcome to join us or check out a recording of the play that I will post on our blog. Let me know if you have any questions.

If I don't see you this week, I will see you next week at conferences!

Mrs. Carney

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Here are a few updates and reminders:

Conferences- The pickAtime link on the MBS homepage is now open to sign up for parent/teacher conferences on November 21st and 22nd. Let me know if you have questions about signing up.

Book Orders- Book orders are due November 11th.  If you are interested in ordering, you can place an order online by clicking on the book order tab above.

Math Test- Students are coming home tonight with a review packet that we worked on in class yesterday and today.  The unit 2 math test will be tomorrow.

No spelling this week- There will be no spelling words this week because of all the end of trimester assessments happening this week in the classroom.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hi Everyone!

How is already the end of October?!  This month has flown by!  Here are some things happening in our classroom:

Math- Students are working hard with factors, multiples, multiplication facts, multidigit multiplication, and finding the area of rectangles.  Next week we will learn about properties of triangles and quadrilaterals and discuss lines of symmetry.  We will have our unit 2 math test either at the end of next week or the beginning of the following week.  I will keep you posted on the blog!

Writing- Our narrative writing is going strong!  Over the last few weeks we have worked on writing memorable endings, adding transition words, figurative language, and editing/revising with peers.  Next week we will work on one more practice narrative before our final assessment.

Reading- This week students practiced a variety of reading responses that showed their thinking around literary elements.  We also worked on summarizing using somebody, wanted, but, so, then, finally, to help us organize our thinking.  Next week we will begin Greek Mythology and will start comparing characters and themes.

Science- Students have been learning about force and motion concepts and conducted experiments that tested the relationship between mass, acceleration and force.  We will be learning about Newton's 3 Laws of motion this week.

Upcoming Dates and Information-

Monday, October 31st- We will not have a Halloween party tomorrow, however we will spend time in the afternoon finishing our jitterbots from Genius Hour last Friday. We will also be watching The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe tomorrow as well and will compare similarities and differences to the play that we saw at the Flynn Theater earlier this month.  If you have any concerns about your child seeing this movie, please email me and let me know.

Book Orders- Book order forms went home in Friday folders.  Book orders are due Friday, November 11th.  If you would like to place an order online, please use the Book Orders tab above.

Conferences- Parent/teacher conference are Monday and Tuesday November 21 & 22nd.  Sign up information should be going out this week in the MBS Buzz newsletter. I will also add a link to our blog once the sign up portal is open.

Thanksgiving Break- Students are off for Thanksgiving break from November 21-25th.

Genius Hour- Students are enjoying Genius Hour time on Friday afternoons and are in the middle of exploring circuits with their jitterbots.  If you have any tools that are not being used and would like to send them in to the classroom, we will take them!  We could use, screwdrivers, pliers, hand held wire cutters, hammers, and awls. Thanks for your support!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!  Let me know if you have any questions.

Mrs. Carney

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Thursday, October 13th- picture retake day

Friday, October 14th- Flynn field trip money and permission slips due

Friday, October 7, 2016

Hi Everyone!

Happy October!  As the weather starts to shift and more sweatshirts and jackets are coming to school, please remember to write your child’s initials inside.  We have already brought quite a bit of belongings to lost and found!

Here are some things happening in our classroom:

Math- We finished unit 1 this week and will begin unit 2 on Monday.  Unit 2 focuses on multiplication and geometry.  Any additional practice at home with basic multiplication facts will be extremely helpful.

Writing- Students have worked hard this week on a variety of narrative writing components.  We have practiced writing about characters and the setting, using descriptive writing, speaker tags and dialogue, and starting with a ‘catchy hook’.  Students started to plan their narratives and will begin their drafts next week.   

Reading- Literary elements has been the focus during our reading workshop.  We have learned about characters, character traits, setting, plot, and theme in literary texts.  Students have been practicing the ‘stop and jot’ strategy and recording their thinking about literary elements while reading independently.  Next week we will dive a little deeper into literary elements and will start comparing and contrasting different stories.  

Science- We wrapped up our mini unit on the scientific method with an experiment testing whether a skittle would dissolve faster in warm or cold water.  Students are becoming experts at reporting their results like scientists!  
Yesterday we incorporated some dance into our science class.  Students moved around the room to music and then when it stopped, they chose a table and wrote on the chart paper everything they knew about some vocabulary words for our upcoming Force and Motion unit. Their vocabulary words were potential energy, kinetic energy, gravity, mass, variables, and force.  We will continue with force and motion next week.  

Upcoming Dates and Other Announcements-  

Field Trip to the Flynn Theater- The lighthouse 4th grade will be going to the Flynn Theater on Monday, October 17th.  We will be leaving school around 8:35 and will be returning by 11:30.  Permission slips went home yesterday and are due Friday, October 14th.  Please let me know if you need another one.  

No School- A reminder that there is no school for students on Friday, October 21st. If you haven't signed up to receive text message notifications and updates from our classroom and would like to stay connected, follow the link and sign up!

Password Cards- All students have a password folder in their google drive.  Inside the folder is a document with all of their usernames and passwords for programs that we are currently using in the classroom.  We will add to that list as the year goes on.  Please refer to it if your child needs help with remembering login information. Please let me know if you need a hard copy of this form.

Homework- Thank your for your help with dreambox and cloudk12 from home.  Homework expectations can be seen by clicking the homework expectations tab above.

I think that is it for now!  As always, please do not hesitate to call- 264-6909 or email with any questions.

Mrs. Carney

Friday, September 16, 2016

Hi Everyone!

We all survived the first full week of school!  Hopefully the kids will be able to catch up on some rest this weekend.

I am sure by now most of you have heard from your children that my husband and I will be expecting our third child in early February (the 12th). I will be taking 6 weeks of maternity leave after I have the baby and plan to be back before April break.  Mrs. Benay and I are currently in the process of discussing my long-term sub and will be sure to keep you updated.   

Here are some things happening in our classroom::

Math- We are currently working on place value, rounding and estimating numbers through the hundred thousands.  Next week we will work on multi-digit addition and subtraction in word problems and continue practicing skills from this week. We also practiced logging into our dreambox accounts.  Students know their usernames and passwords and can get to dreambox from our class blog under useful links for students.

Writing- We have been learning about ourselves as writers and have practiced building our writing stamina by doing short free writes.  Students created expert lists in their notebooks and also had a chance to personalize their notebooks with pictures, stickers and cutouts. Next week we will move into our genre writing and will work on narratives.  

Reading- Much of our time in reading has been spent around setting up our reading workshop guidelines and building our reading stamina.  I was able to complete fluency assessments with all students and get to know each of them a little more as readers.  Next week we will begin talking about literary elements in fiction texts.  

Science- The scientific method has been our focus this week.  Students have learned the steps in the scientific method and learned about different types of variables.  Yesterday we did a lab that practiced the importance of following a step by step procedure.  At the end, if the steps were followed correctly, students created gak and were able to take some home with them! We will continue with the scientific method next week.

Upcoming Dates and Other Announcements-  

Open House- Malletts Bay School's Open House will be on Thursday, September 22nd from 6:30-7:30pm.

Early Release Day- A reminder that on Tuesday, September 20th students will be dismissed from school at 12:45. If you haven't signed up to receive text message notifications and updates from our classroom and would like to stay connected, follow the link and sign up!

Homework- Next week we will start our regular homework routine.  Please click the Homework Expectations tab above for more homework information.

Whew...I think that is it for now!  As always, please do not hesitate to call- 264-6909 or email with any questions.

Mrs. Carney

Thursday, September 15, 2016

PJ Day Tomorrow!

We met our class goal and filled our jar with tokens by being safe, respectful, and responsible in and out of the classroom.  We will be celebrating our positive behavior with pj's and a movie tomorrow afternoon. Don't forget to wear your pj's!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


This is a reminder that tomorrow is PICTURE DAY!  We have PE first thing in the morning, so students should come prepared for PE with sneakers and appropriate clothing.  I will give students time to change after PE, before pictures are taken.  Please email me with any questions!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Hi Everyone!

I hope you enjoyed the nice weather over the long weekend!  Here are a few things to keep in mind for this week and next:

Writer's Notebooks- This Friday, students will be personalizing their writer's notebooks.  If you have any pictures, magazines, or stickers, please send them to school with your child by Friday, September 9th.  Keep in mind the pictures will be cut and glued to a notebook, so please do not send in any special original copies that can't be cut!

Slide Show- This Friday students will be creating google slide shows to share a little about themselves and also to practice speaking in front of the class.  We will be creating the slide shows on Friday and sharing them with the class sometime next week.  Your child needs to choose FIVE pictures that represent who they are and then email those pictures to either me-, or to their own school gmail account-  If you are unable to do this, please email me and let me know!

School Picture Day- School pictures will be next Wednesday, September 14th.  Information for school pictures should be going home this week.

Open House- Malletts Bay School's Open House will be on Thursday, September 22nd from 6:30-7:30pm. It's a little far out, but I wanted you to have the date to mark on your calendars. If you haven't signed up to receive text message notifications and updates from our classroom and would like to stay connected, click the link and sign up!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to our new class blog! We will no longer be using edublogs, and will be switching to blogger!  I am excited for this change and think you will be too!  You will be creating your new blogs when you come back to school in the fall.  Be sure to check back for more updates in August!

I will be leaving for York Beach, Maine, next week.  I can't wait to see all of my family and friends.  What fun things will you be doing this summer?

See you in August!
Mrs. Carney

Long Sands Beach- York, Maine
